Department of Islamic Studies
EN ع

The 29th Council of the Book of the Majlis of the Month of Ramadan entitled “Repentance

Of error and negligence, and all the sons of Adam, mis, and the best Ktaiin repent, God has urged in his book urged the Prophet  in his speech to the forgiveness of God and repent to the Almighty said, "and ask forgiveness of your Lord and then repent to Imitekm chattel Well indefinite and borne all of a preferred bounty if they turn away, I fear for you the punishment of a big day (3) "and the Almighty said," for I am only a mortal like you revealed to me that your God is one God, it was hoping to meet his Lord still keep a good work and do not involve the worship of his Lord one (110) "The Almighty" and repent to God all aT believers, that ye may prosper (31) "and the Almighty said," O ye who believe! Turn to Allah with sincere repentance Perhaps your Lord will expiate from you your sins and admit you to Gardens under which rivers on God does not disappoint the prophet and those who believe with him Norm seeks between a With their hands and with their oath they say, "Our Lord, complete our light for us, and forgive us, for you are almighty over everything (8)"

As for the hadiths, some of them are on the authority of Al-Aghr bin Yassar Al-Muzni, may God be pleased with him, who said: The Prophet, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “O people, repent to God and ask his forgiveness. : {I seek forgiveness from God and repent to Him more than seventy times a day. On the authority of Anas Bin Malik, may God be pleased with him, he said: The Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “For God is more joyful in the repentance of his servant when he repents to him than one of you was on his journey in a land of folks and it escaped from him and on it his food And he drunk his drink, then lost it from it, he came to a tree, and lay in its shade, and his journey was worn out. While he was so, as he stood there with him, he took with her khutbah, then he said from the intensity of joy: O God, you are my servant, and I am your Lord, he sinned from the severity of joy. And his servant returned to him after escaping from him, and on the authority of Anas and Ibn Abbas, may God be pleased with them, that the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: {If the son of Adam had a valley of gold, he would have had two valleys, and he would not fill his mouth except with dirt, and God would repent to those who repented.

* Repentance is returning from disobedience to God to obeying Him. Because the Almighty is truly the idol, and the reality of slavery is humiliation and submission to the idol of love and veneration, and if a slave is distracted from obedience to his Lord, then his repentance is to return to him and stand in his door the position of the poor, servile, frightened and broken in his hands.

Repentance is obligatory immediately and it is neither permissible to delay nor delay it. Because God commanded them and His Messenger, and all the commands of God and His Messenger are all immediately and initiative because the servant does not know what will happen to him by delay, so perhaps death will surprise him and he will not be able to repent, and because persistence in disobedience necessitates the hardness of the heart and his distance from God and his faith is weak, because faith increases by obedience and decreases by disobedience And because insisting on sin necessitates wrapping it up and sticking to it, if the soul becomes accustomed to something that makes it difficult for it to separate, and at that time it is difficult for him to get rid of his sin, and the devil opens the door for other sins that are greater and greater than what he was before. That is why the scholars and people of behavior said: Sins are the means of disbelief, in which a person moves through a stage until he relinquishes all his religion.

The repentance commanded by God is sincere repentance that includes the five strings of repentance:

* The first: for it to be sincere to God, the Exalted, to be the reason for it to be the love and veneration of God, the hope of His reward and the fear of His punishment, so that he does not want anything from the world or fawn over a creature, and if he wanted this, his repentance was not accepted because he did not repent to God, but he repented to the purpose for which he He meant.

* The second: to be remorseful and grieving for the previous sin, which he wishes it had not happened. In order for that regret to happen to him on behalf of God, a break between his hands, and a distaste for himself that ordered him to do badly, so his repentance is based on belief and insight.

* The third condition: He should give up the sin immediately, if the sin was by a forbidden act, he should leave it immediately, and if the sin is by neglecting an obligation to do it immediately if it is something that can be fulfilled such as zakat and Hajj, then repentance is not valid while insisting on sin, so if he said: He repented from usury For example, while he continues to deal with him, his repentance is not valid, and his repentance was nothing but a kind of mockery of God and His revelations do not increase him from God except in a distance, and if he repents from not praying with the congregation while he continues to leave it, his repentance is not valid, and if the sin is in relation to the rights of mankind, it is not valid. Repent from it until he gets rid of those rights, and if his sin was by taking money for others or denying it, his repentance is not valid until the money is paid to its owner if he is alive, or to his heirs if he is dead, and if he does not have heirs, he has paid it to the treasury, and if he does not know who The owner of the money should give it in charity, and God Almighty knows it, and if his disobedience is through the absence of a Muslim, he must be permissible from that if he knew of his absence from him or he was afraid to know about it, otherwise he would ask forgiveness for him and praise him for his praiseworthy qualities in the council in which he offended him, because good deeds exclude bad ones.

It is correct to repent from one sin with insistence on others, because deeds are fragmented and faith is differentiated, but it is not worth the absolute description of repentance and what the penitents deserve at all from the good descriptions and high places until he repents to God from all sins.

The fourth condition: that he resolve not to return to sin in the future. Because this is the fruit of repentance and evidence of its owner’s sincerity, if he says: He is a penitent and is determined or hesitant to commit the sin one day, his repentance is not valid. Because this is a temporary repentance, in which the owner of it becomes aware of appropriate opportunities, and does not indicate his hatred of disobedience and his fleeing from it to obedience to God Almighty.

* The fifth condition: It should not be after the end of the time for acceptance of repentance. If it was after the end of the time for acceptance, it was not accepted, and the time for acceptance had expired.


وزارة الاوقاف و الشؤون الاسلامية - إدارة الدراسات الإسلامية