Department of Islamic Studies
EN ع

The role of the Noble Qur’an - women - in correctional institutions

Out of the feeling of the importance of playing a corrective and guiding role for women and girls inmates, a center for the Noble Qur’an House was opened in the Women's Prison, called the “Rashad Center,” in 2000, and another center in the juvenile prison called the “Huda Center” in 2003.

Mission and goals:

These centers aim to: -

Correcting inmates' behavior by encouraging good and intimidating acts of corruption, and urging them to adhere to religious rulings and perform rituals.

Establishing the correct belief in their souls, and implanting the love of God Almighty in their hearts

Preparing the inmate to face the community with a high spirit of faith and psychology

Encouraging them to memorize the Noble Qur’an and reciting it a lot, and urging them to receive Islamic sciences

First: Sabahi Women's Center "Al Rashad"

The center plays an educational, educational and guiding role for inmates with an educational method that depends on good treatment and encouragement in Islamic sciences and instilling love and fear of God Almighty in the souls, to ensure psychological and nervous stability among many prisoners, and accepts advice and guidance, to reach the beginning stage in evaluating behavior, integrity and constancy .
Currently, 150 students are studying in the center, and there is a desire on the part of many other inmates to study at the center, but the place cannot accommodate more than this number.
In the performance of its mission, the center follows the course system, whereby courses are organized in some Sharia sciences, such as jurisprudence, belief, biography, hadith and the Holy Qur’an. The center is distinguished by the fact that the prisoner's attendance to study there is mandatory, and the matter is not subject to her choice and desire, and this includes all inmates.
The efforts of the center have borne fruit and have yielded good results, as many of the inmate sisters have declared their repentance and accepted to receive legal knowledge with love and desire, and signs of commitment and integrity of behavior appeared on them, praise be to God.

Courses and lessons:

Inmates are given daily lessons in Sharia sciences and the Arabic language, and illiterate women are taught to read and write. Weekly and monthly courses are also held for them.

The center organizes cultural and social meetings, to spread the spirit of competition for good among them through competitions and encourage and honor the outstanding and distinguished women.

The Center also launched the "Repentants" project, which consists of preserving the entire Holy Qur’an or some parts of it, according to the case and duration of each inmate.

The center has organized many educational and psychological courses and scientific and professional courses

In addition, special courses are held for new converts, in which they are taught the principles of Islam, the rulings of worship and purity, and some of the short chapters of the suras and al-Fatiha.

The number of these converted has reached (25).

The proposed new project:

As part of its future plan, the center seeks to implement a distinguished project in order to be able to fulfill its mission as required, and this project is represented in: -

The establishment of a two-storey building in the back yard of the Central Prison for Women that includes six large classrooms, three administration rooms, in addition to two classrooms for holding courses for female students and supervisors in the prison, with complete furniture for all classrooms and administration offices.

Second: Al-Hoda Center for Girls Morning:

The Al-Hoda Juvenile Care Center takes its headquarters from the building of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor. The center organizes courses that suit the conditions of female inmates. These Sharia courses include: “Jurisprudence - Interpretation - Faith - Quran - Recitation - Tajweed” in addition to human courses in cooperation With the Psychological Department at the Ministry of Affairs, a computer department has been established within the center to train girls on various computer programs, and link legal materials to the computer. The number of inmates ranges between 3-17, depending on the time the inmate spends in the care center, and ages range between 9- 17 years .

It is divided into two parts: -

Family hospitality:
Family hospitality, "family disintegration - the absence of a family sponsor."

And the provisions:
The crimes include robbery, escaping, drugs, entering a home, and prostitution "against whom a court ruling has been issued, and its duration ranges from six months to five years."

The center has activities in the family nursery school of "unknown parents", where the nursery is operated for preschoolers, and special curricula have been prepared that suit their ages from legal materials and various experiences. And a computer course from first elementary school to fourth intermediate school for girls and boys, at the computer center in the family nursery

وزارة الاوقاف و الشؤون الاسلامية - إدارة الدراسات الإسلامية